LP Soi (B.E.~2506) was also known as LP BartYai or LP Big Bowl to his devotees. Every morning, he would carry the big bowl to receive food from people to feed his many layman disciples. Once he was ill and could not walk a long way, he received food from Rukkha Devas or Devas who live in the tree.
LP Soi reached highest Smadhi called Charn 8 (NevaSanya NasanyaYatana Charn) which is the Samadhi of emptiness. After that he practiced Wipassana Dhamma of Ultimate Truth and attained the highest Dhamma of the Buddha.
In B.E.2503 or 2504, he was ill and invited to have medical treatment at the hospital. During staying at the hospital, he still did BindhaBart (a task of living of monk by carrying a bowl in every early morning to receive food from merit-doing people).
Every morning, LP Soi would walks down from his ward towards a big tree by the hospital gate. He hanged his bowl to a branch of the tree, stands quietly and closed his eyes for a while. LP Soi was receiving food from Rukkha Devas. Then he took the bowl back and returned to his ward. In the bowl, there were pale yellow cooked rice with a few big flowers that have never seen on the earth.
Phra Maha Vira Thavaro, a disciple of LP Parn of Wat Bangnomkho who also attained high Dhamma, went to the hospital by chance. He was told by doctors about the strange practice of LP Soi. Phra Maha Vira felt by his Yana (intuition) that LP Soi might be Phra Ariya (advanced Dhamma monk), so he adviced to gather 5-6 doctors, who speaks foreign languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Malay, to make language tests.
The group of doctors spoke to LP Soi with those languages. LP Soi responded foreign language matched to each doctor who spoke to him. Lastly, when asked, LP Soi said that he understood those languages by his intuition and spoke them out like Thai. After the test, Phra Maha Vira pointed out that LP Soi was a PatiSamPhitayan Arahant who had highest ability on miraculous conducting including the followings:
1. Knowing all human and creature languages without learning.
2. Knowing all Tripitaka thoroughly without learning.
3. Shortening long distance and rushly reach any destination with a short time.
LP Soi made only few types of amulets in B.E.2503.
He passed away in B.E.2506.
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