Friday, April 24, 2009

Phra Phrom

Phra Phrom 即四面佛,也就是大梵天王,拥有四面,八眼,八耳和八臂。
当中,其八臂各持不同法器/手势: 一手持令旗,一手持佛经,一手持法螺,一手持明轮,一手持权杖,一手持水壶,一手持念珠,一手持打手印,各有不同含义。

令旗 ~ 代表无上法力
佛经 ~ 代表智慧
法螺 ~ 代表赐福
明轮 ~ 代表降魔,消灾
权杖 ~ 代表成就
水壶 ~ 代表有求必应
念珠 ~ 代表轮回
按胸手印 ~ 代表庇佑

在曼谷,最出名和灵验的四面佛当然就是位于Erawan 酒店旁,在十字路口的四面佛像。许许多多的泰国人,甚至远在国外的信徒,都不远千里而来到这里膜拜四面佛,祈求四面佛的庇佑。

Phra Phrom, also commonly known as the 4-faced Buddha, has 8 eyes, 8 ears and 8 hands. On each of the 8 hands, they held different objects namely:
flag ~ stands for ultimate power
mantra ~ stands for wisdom
shell ~ stands for blessings
wheels ~ stands for ward evils/bad luck
tongkat ~ stands for achievements
bottle ~ stands for wish fulfilment
beads ~ stands for recarnation
hands on chest ~ stands for protection

The most famous Phra Phrom in Bangkok, must be the Erawan Shrine, located at the junction of Erawan Hotel. It is so famous and attracts so many people, be it locals or foreigners, to come here to pray to the Phra Phrom and asks for blessings.